Sunday, December 19, 2010

Optional Copyright Law

You should be able to opt in or out.

On one hand, you can have a society of collaboration and free idea sharing where nobody has to pay royalties or be subject to any kind of copyright law.

On the other hand, people who want can charge each other royalties and so on. In regards to the rest of the population and these companies, they can either let free exchange opting organizations use their ideas for and also use these organizations' ideas for free, or otherwise charge them money but then have to pay for all ideas they use of everybody's as well. Where the ideas come from a free exchange opting source, they have to pay the government for use of their ideas.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

3 Month Standard Contracts

Who can lock themselves into a job for years or even 1 year when Life Is Too Short?

Also, who can maintain enthusiasm and productivity for so long?
A sign on a lamppost asks you to find the real you.

"30 people wanted for a free trial to lose 5-10 kilos"

Maybe we should all post our ideas instead. Our feelings and our dreams. Our complaints and theories. Our secrets and problems. Our hopes. Our propositions. Our advice.
We seem not to be so much a consciousness as a collection forces.

Not an image of "God" but a polytheistic pantheon.