Sunday, December 19, 2010

Optional Copyright Law

You should be able to opt in or out.

On one hand, you can have a society of collaboration and free idea sharing where nobody has to pay royalties or be subject to any kind of copyright law.

On the other hand, people who want can charge each other royalties and so on. In regards to the rest of the population and these companies, they can either let free exchange opting organizations use their ideas for and also use these organizations' ideas for free, or otherwise charge them money but then have to pay for all ideas they use of everybody's as well. Where the ideas come from a free exchange opting source, they have to pay the government for use of their ideas.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

3 Month Standard Contracts

Who can lock themselves into a job for years or even 1 year when Life Is Too Short?

Also, who can maintain enthusiasm and productivity for so long?
A sign on a lamppost asks you to find the real you.

"30 people wanted for a free trial to lose 5-10 kilos"

Maybe we should all post our ideas instead. Our feelings and our dreams. Our complaints and theories. Our secrets and problems. Our hopes. Our propositions. Our advice.
We seem not to be so much a consciousness as a collection forces.

Not an image of "God" but a polytheistic pantheon.

Monday, November 29, 2010

To understand something in order to cure it

As we get older, it seems like the ability just to feel diminishes.

I would like to discuss several possible reasons. One is that as many muscles go hard as you grown older (for example, younger people are a lot more likely to be able to get their head to the floor in a stretch), so do the muscles of the heart or mind, even the metaphorical ones, that produce emotion. Howev er, the muscles of the body can retain flexibility and it can even increase to greater extent when they are stretched to their limit, as in the case of a dancer.

Another is energy conservation. Once one has stabilised to a point where they feel safe, the fluctuating emotions only get in the way. However, this idea is contradicted by the fact that emotions also produce energy and (btw, by "fact" I mean my own experience) and that energy is productive.

Another is negative reinforcement. HAving feelings can result in hurt. Hope results in diasappointment. Love in anger. FAith in disillusionment. Excitement in boredom. And so on. If our lifestyle, society, our environment produced too many negative reactions like this, maybe we just stop dreaming.

- Too much TV, office work, bland train rides and traffic jams, canned music, uninspired education systems, and other garbage that assaults us everyday in the modern world results in repetitive stress injury of the psyche

- deep down we have come to believe that all emotions are incidental, are chemically produced, are innately dishonest and are redundant.

- we are deeply disappointed in and ashamed of the lives which we lead. we cling to repression. Naturally this is accompanied by numbness

- we are not humans at all, but a preprogrammed cog in the system. We are not supposed to feel at all.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Which is more important

Truth or kindness

which is of more value

which can bring more benefit

which can build a future

which respects the past

Truth and Kindness

represented as virtues

if they are virtue is divided against itself

a painful reality

the urge to rectify it, comfort it, change it

is a creative process, imaginative, not based on fact

overshoot it and do more harm with delusion and lies

underestimate it and be cynical, static and cold

The truth is a powerful and dangerous medicine

Our shared reality alone allows us to connect

yet given too much or too soon, there may be misunderstanding or withdrawal

and there is even more distance than there was before

do we share lies to comfort us from the chasms that exist between the most honest version of ourselves and everything else?

or are we one being separated temporarily by different perspectives born of our physical body?

will we overcome these artificial barriers by telling the truth?

or can we maintain community only by opposing and oppressing individuals' truths?

these are philosophical questions.

their answers reveal philosophical standpoints.

they are not moral questions and their answers do not reveal moral standpoints.

the reply which attempts to be accurate so that it may benefit its listener with its understanding is both honest and kind

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The order of priority is wrong. The skills are irrelevant because they are misused. Working as a stockbroker is not a mathematically sound option calculating the scarcity of talent with figures and the economic impact of their work. The person cannot assess the first thing about cost versus benefit, investment in a direction that results in a greater future benefit, about diminishing returns or risk analysis. Their work helps to increase the income gap, the it redistributes from workers to non- workers, money has relatively little value to the wealthy than to the less so, and this is all quantifiable. Yet their analysis of what it is they do is reduced to algebra (ie., an imaginary hypothetical value system is used). However their actions have a real world effect.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A person who requires payment is not an artist. If they truly were, their drive would be for the whole world to be touched by their work.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where am I?

If I had my arm amputated am I no longer in my arm. If I write a blog post is part of me now in the internet.

The Unstated

Unlike the theoretical void, the unstated holds a position, a location, a bearing, it has a stance and a markable effect on the communication around it.

It is not the speaker's incompetence, ignorance or inappropriateness, but the receivers' unwillingness or inability to challenge, dismiss or mock him as they usually would do that denotes his power over them.

Friday, October 22, 2010

For example, it's a little but scary that everyone sits buried in their newspaper or just blankly staring on the train, cafes, and all other public places. Isolation is a personal choice, although it's probably not what people truly prefer and may find it a little sad. But consider also the power structures in this, and the voice that comes from the media as opposed to that of the proverbial man on the street who may be sitting right beside. However the contact with and recognition of more voices means a richer experience if life and a more harmonious society.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The most important thing about this blog although I expect it will cover a lot of topics is that you should steal my idea. Please, make it yours if you like it, if you agree. Please adopt them and breath new life into them. Because, I have a lot of ideas which I'd like to share and propose. However a lot of these are just my thoughts. I hope you get something out of them. If we share our ideas and opinions, maybe we will come up with something interesting. My more practical ideas are also available for use. Because I think they all should come to life but I don't have time to do most. For example, presently I am writing on my phone in the train at 10.30pm and I will be on the same train in 9 hrs again. Well what is it about the internet that makes us want to report our personal minute situation? To pretend you are all closer to me?