Saturday, November 27, 2010

Which is more important

Truth or kindness

which is of more value

which can bring more benefit

which can build a future

which respects the past

Truth and Kindness

represented as virtues

if they are virtue is divided against itself

a painful reality

the urge to rectify it, comfort it, change it

is a creative process, imaginative, not based on fact

overshoot it and do more harm with delusion and lies

underestimate it and be cynical, static and cold

The truth is a powerful and dangerous medicine

Our shared reality alone allows us to connect

yet given too much or too soon, there may be misunderstanding or withdrawal

and there is even more distance than there was before

do we share lies to comfort us from the chasms that exist between the most honest version of ourselves and everything else?

or are we one being separated temporarily by different perspectives born of our physical body?

will we overcome these artificial barriers by telling the truth?

or can we maintain community only by opposing and oppressing individuals' truths?

these are philosophical questions.

their answers reveal philosophical standpoints.

they are not moral questions and their answers do not reveal moral standpoints.

the reply which attempts to be accurate so that it may benefit its listener with its understanding is both honest and kind

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